
PresidentAaron WestgardSecretaryJohn Frank
TreasurerBrent BuryHonorary Directors LiaisonAaron Westgard
Silent AuctionMaria Dube
Rob Lane
Draw & IceRob Lane
Henry Rosvick
PrizesGeoff Weisbeck Entries, Rules & EligibilityRob Lane
David Senyk
EntertainmentJayson Deck
Geoff Weisbeck
WebsiteAaron Westgard
Henry Rosvick
FinancePublicityAaron Westgard

Past Directors

DirectorYears of Service
Abernathy, Tom7
Baisley, Doug16
Bannister, Chick4
Bauer, Nick15
Bickerstaff, Garry17
Bowen, Hal1
Bray, Les (Founding Director)7
Brown, Bob (Spike) (Founding Director)3
Buffington, Clint2
Bury, Ben30
Bury, Brent (Active)24
Butcher, Rod21
Carter, Graham5
Chapman, Tubby11
Cooke, Don18
Cornwell, Reg (Founding Director)4
Cox, Art9
Creighton, Bill8
Crough, Emmet9
Cunningham, Bill (Founding Director)25
Davies, Aubrey (Founding Director)22
Davies, Bill7
Deck, Jayson (Active)8
Dube, Maria (Active)8
Dunn, Bob5
Dykstra, Bob (Drawmaster only)0
Eastcott, Ken13
Ewoniak, Ken27
Fisher, Bill1
Frank, John (Active)29
Franklin, Ron17
Green, Bob23
Grotkowski, Ed7
Gully, Walt (Drawmaster Only)0
Halpen, Terry25
Hamilton, Glenn (Drawmaster Only)0
DirectorYears of Service
Hans, Bill3
Hier, Don25
Hobbs, Gus1
Horne, George4
Jones, Marvin4
Karvonen, Cyril4
Kary, Dale4
Klinck, Norm (Founding Director)10
Kline, Darrell21
Lamb, Doug7
Lane, Rob (Active)8
Lashuk, Nick3
Lawrence, Jack (Founding Director)4
Lent, Merv3
Lugg, Art12
MacDonald, Keith5
MacDonald, Ray20
Mackey, Steve3
MacPherson, Bob1
Manahan, Bob1
Matiisen, Arne13
Mazurkewich, Dave6
McFarlane, Wayne13
McGuffin, Gordon11
McLaws, Gordon14
McLean, Tamsyn3
McMillan, Clarke2
Miller, Grant10
Murray, Warren7
Northcott, Ron5
Pasychny, Len4
Paulson, Maurice4
Pendergast, Ken8
Phibbs, Bob7
Phibbs, Rod2
Pockrant, Harvey23
Porter, Selby7
Price, Ted3
DirectorYears of Service
Radcliffe, Tyler8
Rasmuson, Al12
Rathier, Rick17
Reid, Doug2
Ritter, Dave9
Robb, Russ1
Rosvick, Henry (Active)9
Sawyer, Ken3
Senyk, David (Active)10
Shea, Blaine2
Sherrington, Ian14
Simms, Bruce2
Smith, Art2
Smith, Percy2
Spratt, Grant (Honorary President)1
Stackhouse, Keith (Director and Drawmaster)31
Stickelmier, Doug18
Stowell, Terry23
Sully, Kerry6
Thomas, Jim9
Thurston, Ted1
Tilley, Len17
Tull, Peter6
Tuttle, Graham1
Unrau, Kevin3
Vejprava, Haig2
Vejprava, Roy17
Voloshin, Mike (Drawmaster Only)0
Walters, Bill6
Weiler, Gary23
Weisbeck Geoff (Active)8
Westgard, Aaron (Active)10
Wilkinson, Alex17
Wood, Earl13
Wray, Phil1
Wright, Bob12
Zaharik, Gord31